modulên di cûrbecûr depower station application scenarios such as roofs, ground, and water surfaces, to ensure that the solar panels can be fixed in place and can withstand gravity and wind pressure. Di heman demê de dikare alîkariyê bide ku zeviya panelên rojê bi radyasyonê cuda cuda cuda cuda bike û karbidestiya nifşê hêza rojê baştir bike.
GB Buhayên Kevir ên Sîlîkon ên SILICON SALICON STEIL STEIL
Silicon Steel alava mezin a nermik a fe-si vedibêje, jî wekî Steelek elektrîkî tête zanîn. Ji sedî girseyî ya Silicon Steel Si 0,4% ~ 6.5% ye. It has high magnetic permeability, low iron loss value, excellent magnetic properties, low core loss, high magnetic induction intensity, good punching performance, good surface quality of steel plate, and good insulation film performance. Etc.
Astm is an economical cross-section high-efficiency profile with more optimized cross-sectional area distribution and a more reasonable strength-to-weight ratio. Navê wê ye ji ber ku beşa wê-ya wê wekî tîpa Englishngilîzî "H" e. Since all parts of the H-Beam are arranged at right angles, the H-Beam has the advantages of strong bending resistance in all directions, simple construction, cost saving and light structural weight, and has been widely used.
Astm H-Shaped Steel H Beam Structure H Stain Steel W Beam Flange Flange
Astm the world of construction and engineering is a complex one, with countless materials and techniques being used to build structures that stand the test of time. Di nav van materyalan de, yek ku ji bo hêza xwe ya xweser û versatility heqê nasnameyek taybetî ye. Di heman demê de wekî strukturên H Beam tê zanîn, ev celeb sifir di pîşesaziya avahiyê de ji bo serîlêdanên berbiçav bûye kevokek çêkirinê.
Steel Struts Galvanized Slotted C Channel Metal Strut Channel
Dema ku ew ji bo avakirina avahiyên hişk û pêbawer tê, hilbijartina materyalên avahiya rast girîng e. Di nav gelek vebijarkên heyî de, Steel Struktural C-Channel wekî bijareyek berbiçav û populer radiweste. IAmong the various types of C Purlins, we will focus specifically on the galvanized variant due to its exceptional durability and strength.The main function of the modulên di cûrbecûr depower station application scenarios such as roofs, ground, and water surfaces, to ensure that the solar panels can be fixed in place and can withstand gravity and wind pressure. Di heman demê de dikare alîkariyê bide ku zeviya panelên rojê bi radyasyonê cuda cuda cuda cuda bike û karbidestiya nifşê hêza rojê baştir bike.
Kanala dubare ya dubare | Channel Strut Cheap | Galvanized c purlin
are usually composed of U-shaped steel or C-shaped steel made of zinc, aluminum and magnesium and support and connection accessories. This design makes the bracket not only easy to transport, but also easy to assemble, easy to maintain, long service life, and low economic cost. berjewendî. In addition, photovoltaic brackets can also be divided into fixed brackets and tracking brackets. Fixed brackets are further divided into ordinary fixed brackets and fixed adjustable brackets. The orientation of the components can be manually adjusted according to the changes in light in different seasons.
Hot Rolled H-BeamBûyera strukturî ya ku ji Steel hatî çêkirin e û bi gelemperî di projeyên endezyariyê û avakirinê de tête bikar anîn. Ew bi rengek "H" cûdahî heye û bi gelemperî tête bikar anîn ku di avahî û avahiyên din de desthilatdar û bargiraniyê peyda dike. H-Beam Rolled bi pêvajoyek ku tê de tê hilberandin û di nav pêlavan de tê germkirin û derbas dibe ku meriv bi rengek xwestî û dimenên xwestin bigihîje. Its strength and durability make it a popular choice for a wide range of construction applications, including bridges, buildings, and infrastructure projects.
Astm in various sizes and materials including A992 and A36 steel. Find w beam, w4x13, w30x132, w14x82 and more w-beams. Naha bikirin!